Checks can be sent to:
Rosebud Children's Theatre Conservatory
P.O. Box 23688
Federal Way, WA 98093
Short on cash? We'll love your time!
Sign up HERE to volunteer to help out at the shows!
To our Supporters!
Sondra Berghuis
Barb and Al Collins
Susan and Darin George
Pat Tomich
David & Lisa Johnston
John & Jackie Monahan
The Nelson Family
Jimmy Mac’s Roadhouse
Scott & Beth Shoemaker
Douglas Culver
Bruce & Susan Honda
Claudette Elliott
Ron & Julie Rose
Rick & Jane Sullivan
Doug & Michelle Thompson
Columbia Bank
City of Federal Way Arts Commission
These giving levels recognize donors who have supported us with monetary gifts. We would also like to thank the many people who support us with in-kind or material donations! We do our best to keep our records up to date. If you see any errors or omissions above, please contact us at Thank you